Eat Smart, Move More & Be Grateful Challenge Tracking

Last name:
First name:
Team name:
Total miles per week. If you engage in activities other than walking/jogging or biking and need to convert your activity to miles, please use the conversion tool. You can cut and paste the following link into your search engine. (

Average number of servings of fruits/vegetables for the week (total number for the week divided by seven).
Average # servings of fruits/vegetables
Gratitude Journal
A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude.
Did you maintain your gratitude journal on a daily basis every day this week?  (Complete the journal below)
Monday: What are you grateful for in your workplace?
Tuesday: What are you grateful for in your workplace?

Wednesday: What are you grateful for in your workplace?
Thursday: What are you grateful for in your workplace?
Friday: What are you grateful for in your workplace?
Saturday: What are you grateful for outside of the workplace?
Sunday: What are you grateful for outside of the workplace?

Teams can earn up to 20 points each week.
Physical Activity Points
Teams that average 25 miles  - 5 points
Teams that average 20 - 24 miles - 4 points
Teams that average between 15 - 19 miles - 3 points
Teams that average between 10 - 14 miles - 2 points
Teams that average between 5 - 9 miles  - 1 point
Fruits/Vegetable Intake Points
Teams that average 5 servings per week - 5 points
Teams that average between 4 servings per week - 4 points
Teams that average between 3 servings per week - 3 points
Teams that average between 2 servings per week - 2 points
Teams that average between 1 serving per week - 1 point
Gratitude Journal Points
All team members completed gratitude journal the entire week - 5 points
Four team members completed gratitude journal the entire week - 4 points
3 team members completed gratitude journal the entire week -3 points
2 team members completed gratitude journal the entire week -2 points
1 team member completed gratitude journal the entire week -1 point
Tracking Form Submission
All participants submitted tracking form on Monday – 5 points
Four participants submitted tracking form on Monday – 4 points
Three participants submitted tracking form on Monday – 3 points
Two participants submitted tracking form on Monday – 2 points
One participant submitted tracking form on Monday – 1 point
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